How much do you pause?

Beauty all around. How much can we notice when we pause, reflect, listen and look? My mom shared this with me yesterday and I wanted to share it with all. Enjoy From AL yoga teacher
Read this softly, this is for you my beautiful friends... feel ease

I allow the gentle hand of life to lead me softly to places that my heart has longed for.

My longing no longer binds me, or ties me, or hurts me..
my longing is unfurled and presented to the Universe with trust and truth.

I am leaning into the softness and openness of life now
I surrender
I surrender
I surrender
to the Universe with ease ...

I am floating on a river of calm and my body is smoothly absorbing the rejuvenating essence of the river.

I love feeling the depth of my silence and stillness deep within me as I float joyfully.

I allow my stillness to shimmer from within so I may sparkle with love and sweetness.

Outer circumstances no longer have a hold on me for what is within me is powerful and magnetic.

I magnetise oneness, good health, joy, peace, abundance in every way.

My heart opens up like yellow butterflies flying out of their Chrysalises, out into the open world of blooming flowers and ecstatic admiration.

The fragrance of life is intoxicating, I am drawn into the elixir of life.

I sip
I drink
I taste
I relish
I savor

My breath
My laughter
My company
My legs
My arms
My breasts
My eyes
My path
My pleasure

In the yielding
I float, I shimmer, I gloat, I glimmer , I gleam, I glow

I am no longer reaching
I am here
I am no longer wishing
I am home
I am no longer resisting
I am free
I love me
And love loves me


Magical Moments Everyday