Episode 11 Adventures with Charity Joy

Arrived in Maine!

Dear beautiful being,

Wow what a whirlwind of movement, driving, arriving, and then settling in to my new place.  I have moved into a tiny house in Brownfield Maine on a homestead, built and created by a wonderful and inspiring woman, Wanda.  

It’s always interesting how things show up?

Just the other day I was going through some focus wheels I had made.  Which is basically a writing exercise to get clear about what you want to manifest into your life. I came across one I did from April of this year and I wrote down a tiny house on a homestead in the white mountains.  There were quite a few other statements I had made for that house and it has come to fruition exactly by the time line intended by the end of September.  

Its quite extraordinary how much we can create with the law of attraction.

Have you had an experiences like this?

Have you ever had the feeling when your feet dangle for awhile and then land somewhere, and it just feels right?  This has been my experience since I landed here. I have a beautiful like minded community around me, time to dive into my book project, learning to build a tiny home, and discovering the dance scene as well as exploring the white mountains.  How did I get so lucky?

You may have read in my previous newsletters that I have began a journey with Sabrina Ward Harrison called Liberate Your Book into the World.  This is a year long program and is full on.  I have created a Go Fund me if you would like to support me in this process of revealing my book to the world. Anything you can do would be so greatly appreciated towards my effort in launching this project.  

Going with the flow can feel good and yet at the same time daunting.  Since I have arrived instead of doing the normal, seek out every possible business I could offer my services through I have chosen to just land and settle in.  I have already met some amazing people and have a feeling that everything is working out.  I have reached out to a handful of places for ecstatic dance, kids movement workshops, and a couple of places to offer energy healing and Thai Massage.

In the meantime I continue to offer my Kalaripayattu basic classes online every Thursday 9am EST.  

I’m overly excited to begin this new Chapter in my life.  It seems it has come at the right time considering what’s happening on our planet.  I’m in a peaceful abundant place with amazing people around.  I look forward to continuing to share my experiences and stories through my blog on my website.  

I wish you a beautiful Full Moon this weekend and Samhain

(next week), a Celtic celebration to honor our ancestors, end of the harvest and the welcoming of Winter!

Blessed Be

Please keep in touch, I would love to hear how you are all doing at this time of life right now.  I’m also available for online private classes, (yoga, movement flows, martial arts and digging deep through writing and oracle cards).

Be the light the world needs.

Lots of Love

Charity JOY


Episode 10 Adventures with Charity Joy